A Guide to Internet Safety for All Ages

Navigating the Digital Realm

With the internet, the world is small. The internet offers a huge opportunity for communication and social interaction. However, with the constant rise of new apps and platforms, it becomes incredibly crucial to prioritise online safety. One such app that has recently gained attention is Wizz, designed to connect people of similar ages. While the app claims to implement age verification measures, concerns have been raised about potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited to get around these safeguards.

Internet safety has become an increasing concern, especially when it comes to protecting young people online. Parents, foster carers, and individuals of all ages need to be vigilant and informed about the apps and platforms their children are using. It's essential to stay updated on the latest trends and applications, such as Wizz, to understand their potential impact on online safety.

To foster a safer online environment, open communication between adults and children is crucial. Discussing the risks associated with new apps and platforms can empower young users to make responsible choices. Additionally, staying involved in their online activities and utilising parental control tools can provide an added layer of protection. It isn’t realistic to ban young people from all internet or social media, so helping young people to be safe online is the best way of protecting them.

Technology continues to advance and therefore so do the challenges associated with internet safety. Artificial intelligence (AI) is an ever growing product we are seeing more and more, even when we don’t notice it (think ‘Chat with me’ functions at the bottom of websites). The growth of AI in our day to day lives introduces both opportunities and challenges in the realm of online safety. AI technologies play a significant role in content moderation, filtering out inappropriate or harmful material, and enhancing security measures. However, the same technologies can also be exploited for malicious purposes, such as deepfake* generation and automated phishing* attacks.

It is important for users to be aware of the potential risks associated with AI-driven threats, emphasising the importance of staying informed about emerging technologies and their implications for online safety. As we navigate this digital age, encouraging a culture of digital literacy and open and honest conversations is needed more than ever.


Deepfaking is like a digital magic trick using advanced technology, especially artificial intelligence. It swaps faces or voices in videos to make it look like someone is saying or doing something they never did. Imagine a video where your friend's face is on a famous actor's body. That's a deepfake! For more information on Deepfakes and the risks they can hold have a look at this blog here - A beginners guide to Deepfakes

Phishing Attacks*

Phishing is a sneaky online trick where bad guys pretend to be trustworthy to steal your personal info. They send fake emails or messages, trying to get you to click on links, share passwords, or give away sensitive stuff. You get an email that seems legit, saying it's from your bank and urgently needs your login details. If you fall for it and share your info, that's a phishing attack – they're trying to trick you! If you want some more information on what a phishing attack is and what they look like, have a look at this blog here.

More information

Internet safety is not something we can ‘solve’ or become experts on after reading one blog. If you want more information on these topics then we have included these great links for a bit more information!







If our mission to create a nurturing environment for looked after children resonates with you, we invite you to consider becoming a foster carer with Three Circles Fostering. Your decision to open your heart and home can make a lasting impact on a child's life, offering them the stability and support they need to thrive. By joining our fostering community, you become an essential part of the journey toward brighter futures for these remarkable young individuals. To learn more about fostering with Three Circles and how you can make a difference, feel free to reach out and inquire. Together, we can create a world where every child has the opportunity to flourish.


A Guide to Fostering with Three Circles


Thrive in Education at Three Circles Fostering